Category: Cooking with Friends

Coconut Quinoa and Lentil Curry w/Homemade Naan

Homemade Naan

We tend to go out every Friday night with friends. We decided this year we would make more of an effort to eat some meals at home like we used to – making recipes as a group and trading off hosting/houses. I received a text from my girlfriend Michelle with a link to Half Baked Harvest’s …

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All things Fabio…

So I got a phone call back in July from my friend Kristen… it went something like this. So do you think you will be up for a little adventure on August 2? My response was… I’m not entirely sure. You see, I had emergency knee surgery in early July. I was doing yard work and ended …

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Oatmeal Cream Cheese Butterscotch Bars

Part of my big blog/baking/cooking day with Carolyn included making something sweet to cap off our carrot pickling and sandwich adventures. Carolyn suggested something with oatmeal and then we found Anne Burrell’s recipe on The Food Network website for Oatmeal Cream Cheese Butterscotch Bars. SOLD, we gathered supplies and gave it a go. While I’ve …

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