Tag: Grilled Cheese

The Rind Patio Preview

The Rind Sacrmento

It’s once again been way too much time in between posts. Work and life in general have been busy and my free time has been limited. I sure do miss this place in between posts. I realized over the weekend when going through photos that I never blogged about the opportunity I got to join …

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Permanent link to this article: http://foodiddy.com/?p=11020

The Rubik’s Cube Revenge Burger

Rubic's Cube Revenge Burger

If you are a grilled cheese lover and you enjoy a good burger, Deede’s Rubik’s Cube Revenge is the right fit for you. A square patty sandwiched between two grilled cheese sandwiches? Yes. She. Went. There. Ingredients: 1 lb. Ground Beef  – for 4 burgers Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper Dijon Mustard 12 Slices of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://foodiddy.com/?p=5302