Category: Holidays/Celebrations

Thanksgiving Break

My week off was just what I needed. The weekend prior to my vacation was filled with my niece’s soccer tournament games and my weekdays were spent catching up on TV shows and movies, cooking, working out, shopping, decorating – all things I really enjoy doing. The best part was that Dan also had some …

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Halloween Decor 2011

I count down the last days of September in anticipation of digging out my Halloween decorations. There is just something about the orange glow of the lights and the vintage wooden creatures staring back at me from every flat surface in my home – I just LOVE the items I’ve collected over the years. From …

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Wooly Spider Whoopie Pies

I fear spiders. I have been known to stay out of rooms for days if I spot one taking up ceiling space. I felt the exact same way about snakes until I met my late husband – who at one point, owned many. Reticulated, Burmese and Indian pythons to be exact. Over the years my …

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