Sunday Life…

This past Sunday was filled with good friends and iPhone photos. My morning started off with the second Sunday antique faire under the freeway at W and 21st streets in Sacramento. It’s become a tradition over this past year. My friend Aaron and I are regulars and we occasionally have others join us.


I search for more vintage suitcases, cool typography, cheese boxes, wooden spools, cobbler shoe forms, vintage cookbooks and anything else that jumps out at me. Aaron has the car, bike and wagon scene covered… old Tonka trucks, hot wheels, models, car books, tools, road signs… we are pretty opposite when it comes to what we collect, but it sure does make it fun to help each other with the hunt.

A quick trip to Starbucks after stashing my latest finds in the car and I was headed home for a much needed dose of Claritin. The wind had really picked up and apparently I’m going to be an allergy sufferer this season. I’ve only had allergy issues two other times since moving from the bay area. I’ve gotten lots of advice from hardcore allergy sufferers – get a neti pot, switch to Zyrtec, buy generic from Costco… my fingers are crossed that it’s just when the wind picks up. I’ve been good since the faire outing.


Our evening plans included dinner at The Forester Pub & Grill in Camino.  Aaron’s parents were serving and bartending for the evening along with other Camino Community Action Committee members. The CCAC in partnership with the Forester Pub & Grill was hosting a fundraiser for Jeremy Heist, a 32 year old Camino resident who is currently undergoing cancer treatments at U.C. Davis Medical Center. All tips were donated to Jeremy and his family to help with medical expenses. It was very touching to see a packed restaurant full of so many generous people and smiling faces.


It was my first time eating at the Forester and it reminded me so much of some of the local restaurants in the Lake Tahoe area. Everybody knew each other – or was related some how… so many dogs patiently waited in the backs of trucks and cars while their owners ate on the patio. From the tall pine trees to the crisp air, it brought back lots of really great Tahoe memories for me.


I gave myself the evening off from calorie tracking in My Fitness Pal. As soon as I saw Fish and Chips on the menu, it’s what I wanted. Tempura battered Alaskan Cod… sign me up! There was a lot to choose from on the menu. Everything from a big and juicy American cheeseburger to real German fare. I was surprised at the huge selection of German food.


Aaron’s Mom was adorable. We laughed a lot as she double and triple checked our orders. We were her first table and the crowd just kept growing and growing. I dared her to yell “order up” as she ran back into the kitchen… not sure she took that dare :).

My fish and chips were supposed to come with cole slaw, but they ran out. No biggie, I got a green salad instead. Dan ordered the Captain’s Platter – Tempura battered Alaskan cod, fried calamari steak, grilled shrimp, steak fries and veggies. The food hit my comfort spot. If your in the area of Camino, this rustic little place is definitely worth a stop. Side note: Aaron’s Dad spoke highly of the Heidelberg Steak and we also tried the Spätzle – it was delicious!


We stopped at a Golden Spoon on our way home for frozen yogurt. I got tart orange with country vanilla and topped it with yogurt chips and passion fruit gummy bears. I’ve pretty much been craving this combo ever since. Thanks Aaron for inviting us to enjoy time with you, Carolyn and your parents – it was a wonderful evening.



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    • Julie (A Case of the Runs) on April 18, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    I’m a sucker for gummy bears! Passion fruit ones sound very interesting!!

      • foodiddy on April 19, 2013 at 1:46 pm

      The are pretty amazing. If I was a runner like you, they would be my snack of choice :).

    • Amy on April 19, 2013 at 4:49 am

    I wish we lived closer…..I love going to Antique festivals that we have here in the Summer and Fall. I wish we I could go every Sunday! How fun. That yogurt combo looks yummy!!

      • foodiddy on April 19, 2013 at 1:42 pm

      I wished we lived closer too! I’m sure we could get into lots of trouble together. 🙂 Miss ya girl!

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